- 非IC关键词
- 相关证件:
- 会员类型:普通会员
- 地址:深圳市宝安区松岗塘下涌中远国茂科技园
- 传真:0755-27294561
- E-mail:fuse9688@126.com
电 器 性 能
1. 额定电压:AC250V AC125V
Rated voltageAC250V AC125V (Resistive Load)
2. 额定电流:10A 16A
Rate Current:10A 16A (Resistive Load)
3. 接点形式:单刀单掷 (S.P.S.T)
Contacing Type: (S.P.S.T)
Normal closed:openwhen set temperature is reached and closed again when temperature drops below ,The set temperature.
4. 接触电阻:不大于50MΩ
Point resistance: Max50MΩ
5. 绝缘电阻:100 MΩ以上。(DC500V兆欧表,冷态)
Isolation resistance:min100MΩ
6. 电气强度:AC1500V 50Hz/60Hz, 历时一分钟不击穿,无闪络现象。
7. Electric strength:1500VAC, 50Hz/60Hz,1minute no breakdown and no flashover.
温度性能:OFF:TF.Tf(℃)±5℃ ON:TF.Tf(℃)-15±5℃
Active temperature and difference:OFF: TF.Tf(℃)±5℃ ON: operating temperature decrease by15~20℃
8. 温度变化速率小于或等于1℃/min(介质-空气)
The speed change of temperature isno more than 1℃/min
9. 使用寿命:(电阴负荷)50000次。
Point life-span:min6000time(Resistive load)
10. 接地方式:通过温控器金属外壳与设备接地金属部件相接。
Contact:Direct grounding contact weith mated housing.
11. 耐热:使用温度为240℃
Heat-resisant:Maxuscuful temperature: 240℃
Temperature limits of the swith head Tmax: 240℃